Apoyar la participación de niños y jóvenes con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo en el deporte de vela.



Es ampliamente reconocido que la participación de niños/as en actividades deportivas supone beneficios a nivel mental, social, emocional, físico y educativo. En este sentido, los niños con TEA no son una excepción.
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el deporte de vela brinda oportunidades únicas a niños y jóvenes con TEA para fomentar su autonomía y autoestima, entre otras cuestiones. A su vez, les permite participar y tener relaciones sociales con iguales en contextos naturales con apoyo.

SailAway tiene como objetivo fomentar la inclusión social y el desarrollo de niños y jóvenes con TEA a través de su participación en actividades deportivas de equipo como puede ser el deporte de la vela.

Sail Away with us

For Sailing Coaches

If you are a sailing coach/instructor or work in a sailing club, you can join our trainings.

For Parents

If you are a parent of children with or without ASD, you can get informed about the benefits of sailing for your children.

Project Partners


KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non profit organization with long-lasting experience in supporting vulnerable groups. Alongside with direct provision of Social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, employment/poverty) its expertise pertains to design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Employment, Care & Wellbeing and to Scientific research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming at building resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. KMOP’s vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being.

KMOP is the Project Coordinator of SailAway and responsible for the development of the online learning platform.

Montetauro Cooperative

The Montetauro Cooperative has been working in the welfare field for over 30 years and currently manages: 02 Rehabilitation Centres for the disabled, 04 family homes; 02 after school for Chinese children; 02 mountain summer centres.

The Cooperative provides a social-healthcare service for minors and adults with disabilities, minors and girls in serious social-family situations, single mothers and immigrants. It turns its activities preferentially towards those who are abandoned and rejected by the social and family fabric. The cooperative employs n. 50 operators divided as follows:

n. 03 Coordinators;
n. 14 Social and Healthcare Operators;
n. 10 Educators;
n. 02 psychologists;
n. 02 Nurses;
n. 02 Physiotherapists;
n.02 19 Auxiliary staff (administration, maintenance, kitchen, cleaning etc.).

The areas of greatest intervention and development are: the elaboration of educational projects, support aimed at achieving and maintaining a state of overall psychophysical well-being, social inclusion interventions. 

Fundació Mira’m

Fundació Mira’m is a non-profit, social entity located in Valencia (Spain). We work to improve the quality of life of people with ASD and their families throughout their lives. 

The organization was born in 2004, and along these years until now, we currrently support more than 200 families between our centers in Valencia, Gandia. As well, in 2008 we opened a Special Education School in Valencia, where 15 students, divided in three different units, are taught in a supportive learning environment.  

Currently, our services are specific training in ASD for professionals and families; research and innovation; family support; leisure and free time; diagnosis and early detecion and support for autonomy for people with autism.

We are part of “Autismo España” and we collaborate with the main Spanish and European associations of parents of people with autism.


sports association for persons with disabilities

Rijeka sports association for persons with disabilities was founded in Rijeka in 1983.It was founded with a primal goal to promote sports among young people especially among those with various types of disabilities. It has a mission to integrate people with disabilities in society through sports, and to give a contribution to equal rights of all citizens and prevent social exclusion of people with disabilities.

There are 16 sports clubs within our organization which include: swimming, wheelchair tennis, athletics, table tennis, boccia, Alpine skiing, equestrian, shooting, sports for the deaf and sports for the blind.

Some of the main activities of Rijeka sports association for persons with disabilities include: promoting the common interests of its member sport clubs for the disabled, coordinating and synchronizing their program activities, organization of sporting activities for persons with disability in the Primorje – Gorski Kotar County.


Our club was found back in 1938. 

The activities of our yacht club extend to several different areas: 

Since its 80th anniversary, more than 50,000 children have learned how to sail from our academies. The yachting sailing courses, since 1979, have introduced sailing to more than 10,000 adults.

The athletes of our performance racing department have been distinguished for their performances at local and international level, among them National, European and World Champions as well as Olympic medalists. 

We are also providing sailing courses on a big variety of dinghy boats for our members who want to enjoy their favorite sport and spend a few hours at sea. 

During the summer months when our sailors are out of school and in order to familiarize themselves with the sea element and to introduce themselves to the sea sports, we have courses keeping them busy every weekday. 

Our club has successfully organized many major sailing events such as European and World Championships. 

The members of the NOPFaliro have the right to dock their sports boats in the club’s area.


Aproximar is a non-profit NGO aiming to enhance organisations’ social and human capital as a strategy to build their capacity to take advantage of challenges and opportunities raised by the external conditions. It organizes and manages personal, social, professional and organizational paths by means of tailor-made and social innovation projects and good practices transference and dissemination. It develops, implements and provides services in 4 main sectors: Criminal Justice System; Education, Training and Social Capital; Active Ageing; and Social Economy, Entrepreneurship and Employability.

Since 2007, Aproximar has participated in initiatives related to education and community effectiveness linked to young’s and children. In order to promote social capital and collective effectiveness, it seeks to respond significantly to social problems such as deviant behaviours, school dropout, child abuse and mistreatment. Aproximar also has experience in initiatives that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market and others that also promote the social inclusion of children with special needs.

Institute of Development (IoD)

Institute of Development (IoD) is based in Nicosia Cyprus, was founded in 2002 and is currently under the umbrella of CARDET. CARDET is the largest non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus and is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research.

IoD offers solutions and training programs to improve people’s well – being, skills as well as their psychological resilience, optimism, character traits, self–esteem and overall performance. We conduct research, material development, and offer trainings and solutions to a vast variety of societal and organizational challenges.

IoD works closely with Educators, School Counsellors, Psychologists, Parents and children of all ages. Our team has avid experience in conducting trainings for Educators and creating material thus through IoD’s participation to SailAway Project, we aspire to contribute in the development of all material for trainings and utilise the large network of parents and educators to disseminate the project and familiarise individuals with the importance of including children with autism to sports.